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emu68.h File Reference

Detailed Description

68K emulator API header.

Benjamin Gerard <ben@sashipa.com>
emu68.h,v 2.2 2003/10/29 06:50:41 benjihan Exp

#include "emu68/struct68.h"
#include "emu68/getea68.h"
#include "emu68/macro68.h"
#include "emu68/error68.h"
#include "emu68/cc68.h"
#include "emu68/inst68.h"
#include "emu68/mem68.h"

Go to the source code of this file.

EMU68 internal struct access

io68_tEMU68_set_interrupt_io (io68_t *io)
 Set new interrupt IO.

void EMU68_set_registers (const reg68_t *r)
 Copy specified register set to EMU68 internal register set.

void EMU68_get_registers (reg68_t *r)
 Copy EMU68 internal register set to specified register set.

void EMU68_set_cycle (u32 cycle)
 Set EMU68 internal cycle counter.

u32 EMU68_get_cycle (void)
 Get EMU68 internal cycle counter.

reg68_t reg68
 EMU68 internal 68K register set structure.

Init functions

void EMU68_reset (void)
 68K Hardware Reset.

int EMU68_init (u8 *buffer, u32 maxmem)
 First time init.

void EMU68_kill (void)
 Clean exit.

EMU68 on-board memory access

int EMU68_memvalid (u32 dest, u32 sz)
 Check if a memory block is in 68K on-board memory range.

u8 EMU68_peek (u32 addr)
 Get byte in 68K onboard memory.

u8 EMU68_poke (u32 addr, u8 v)
 Put a byte in 68K onboard memory.

int EMU68_memput (u32 dest, u8 *src, u32 sz)
 Put a memory block to 68K on-board memory.

int EMU68_memget (u8 *dest, u32 src, u32 sz)
 Get 68K on-board memory into a memory block.

Execution functions

void EMU68_step (void)
 Execute one instruction.

void EMU68_level_and_interrupt (u32 cycleperpass)
 Execute until RTS.

void EMU68_cycle (u32 cycleperpass)
 Execute for given number of cycle.

void EMU68_break (u32 breakpc)
 Execute until PC reachs breakpoint.

Version checking functions

int EMU68_debugmode (void)
 Get EMU68 debug mode.