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Command line tools

All these programs are command line utilities installed by sc68 package.
sc68 tools
as68 68000 macro assembler.
debug68 Produce and debug sc68 files.
browse68 Browse info data base (BIDB) generator.
info68 Print sc68 file information.
sc68 Command line player.
sourcer68 68000 disassembler/sourcer.
unice68 Ice 2.40 depacker.

as68 [68K macro assembler]

Fast and powerful 68000 macro assembler based on Vincent Penne original (aka Ziggy Stardust).
Macro and directive syntax is very powerful but unfortunatly differs from ©HiSoft GenST assembler.
File: *manpages*,  Node: as68,  Up: (dir)
as68(1)                                                                as68(1)
       as68 - MC68000 Macro Assembler.
sc68-tools-manual                 2 Oct 2003                           as68(1)

debug68 [file compiler and debugger]

File: sc68.info, Node: debug68, Next: as68, Prev: info68, Up: Programs debug68 ======= debug68 - Create and debug sc68 files Usage ----- debug68 [options ... ] [URL] URL --- For detailed description, *Note URL::. General options --------------- For detailed description, *Note General options::. Options ------- --help Display help message and exit. Description ----------- debug68 commands are self documented. Try `help' command inside debug68 shell. Resource files -------------- For information, see *Note Resource files::.

browse68 [browse info data base generator]

Deprecated: BIDB is no longer used.

info68 [file information]

File: sc68.info, Node: info68, Next: debug68, Prev: sc68, Up: Programs info68 ====== info68 - Get and format information from sc68 files. Usage ----- info68 [option ... ] URL [ command ...] URL --- For detailed description, *Note URL::. General options --------------- For detailed description, *Note General options::. Options ------- --help Display this message and exit. --version --build Display build date and exit. -o URL --output URL Change output to URL *Note URL::. Commands -------- All COMMANDS excepted TRACK-LIST display something. Unkwown commands are skipped with a warning. Disk commands ............. These commands display disk information. -# Number of tracks. -? Default track. -n Disk name. -a Default track author name. -c Default track composer name. -T Disk time in sec. -Y Formated disk time. Format "TT MM:SS". -H All tracks ORed hardware flags (see -h). Track-list command .................. This command is a kind of loop. -DIGIT[[,DIGIT]|[-DIGIT]] track-list executes following track-commands for all listed tracks until another track-list is encountered or end of command line. Track are base 1 numbered. 0 is substituted to the number of tracks. e.g: `-1,5,[4-6]' works with tracks 1,5,4,5 and 6 in this order. Track commands .............. Following commands are applied to current track. -% Track number. -n Track name. -a Author name. -c Composer name. -r Replay name. -t Time in sec. -y Formated "TT MM:SS" time. -f Replay frequency. -@ Load address. -h Hardware flags [YSA] uppercase means activated. Y:YM-2149 S:STE A:Amiga Misc commands ............. -L Display a newline character. --STRING Display "-STRING". STRING Display "STRING".

sc68 [command line player]

File: sc68.info, Node: sc68, Next: info68, Up: Programs sc68 ==== sc68 - command line player This programs is the command line version of sc68 player. It load and play a sc68 disk file (.sc68). Audio data is written to the standard output. PCM format is signed stereo 16 bit machine endian. Usage ----- sc68 [options] URL URL --- For detailed description, *Note URL::. General options --------------- For detailed description, *Note General options::. Options ------- --help Display this message and exit. --version Display sc68 version x.y.z and exit. --quiet Be quiet (do not display music information). --track=track[,loop] Choose track to play [0=all tracks] and optional number of loop. Resource files -------------- For information, see *Note Resource files::.

sourcer68 [68000 disassembler/sourcer]

File: sc68.info, Node: sourcer68, Next: unice68, Prev: as68, Up: Programs sourcer68 ========= sourcer68 - Mc68000 disassembler Usage ----- sourcer68 [options] URL Description ----------- sourcer68 is a 68000 disassambler. Input URL *Note URL:: can be either BINARY, TOS program (Atari .prg .tos ...) or SC68 file. The dissassembler starts a disassemble pass at the beginning of the input depending on its type. BINARY entry is offset +0. TOS entry is the program entry point. By default TOS program are relocated. SC68 3 entries are offset +0 +4 and +8 corresponding to sc68 replay convention. External replay is loaded if needed. Specify replay-path with -replay= or with environment varaiable. Disassemble pass ................ A disassemble pass starts at an ENTRY point. The disassembler will try to follow program branchs. It should add every needed symbols. There is a heuristic to try to find jump tables (sequential branch instruction). General options --------------- For detailed description, *Note General options::. Options ------- -help Display this message and exit. -reloc=[yes|no|auto] TOS relocation (default:auto). -replay=PATH Force replay path. -entry=[ENTRY-LIST] Set disassembly entry points. -tab=[STRING] Set tabulation string. ENTRY-LIST .......... ENTRY-LIST := ENTRY[,ENTRY...] An ENTRY-LIST is an ordered coma (',') separated list of ENTRY points which define disassembler start points. ENTRY ..... ENTRY := [l][+]integer l Get long at the effective address (indirection). l options could by use more than once. (eg. `ll0x440'). + Effective address is file start + integer. integer Number ("C" format: 0x for hexa, 0 for octal) Resource files -------------- For information, see *Note Resource files::.

unice68 [ICE depacker]

File: sc68.info, Node: unice68, Prev: sourcer68, Up: Programs unice68 ======= unice68 - Depacker ICE unice68 is an Ice depacker based on 68000 ICE 2.40 original routine. Usage ----- unice68 [option ...] <input> <output> Options ------- --help Display help message and exit. -v Be verbose. -q Be quiet.