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[file68 library documentation.]

Detailed Description

Provides string manipulation functions.


file  string68.h
 String header.


int SC68strcmp (const char *a, const char *b)
 Compare two string (case insensitive).

char * SC68strcat (char *a, const char *b, int l)
 Concatenate two strings.

char * SC68strdup (const char *s)
 Duplicate a string.

char * SC68strcatdup (const char *a, const char *b)
 Concat two strings in a duplicate buffer.

char * SC68time_str (char *buffer, int track_num, int seconds)
 Make a track and time information string.

char * SC68long_time_str (char *buffer, int time)
 Convert time (in second) to string.

Function Documentation

int SC68strcmp const char *  a,
const char *  b

Compare two string (case insensitive).

The SC68strcmp() function compares the two strings a and b, ignoring the case of the characters. It returns an integer less than, equal to, or greater than zero if a is found, respectively, to be less than, to match, or be greater than b.

a First string to compare
b String to compare with
Integer result of the two string compare. The difference between last tested characters of a and b.
Return values:
0 a and b are equal
<0 a is less than b
>0 a is greater than b

char* SC68strcat char *  a,
const char *  b,
int  l

Concatenate two strings.

The SC68strcat() function appends the b string to the a string overwriting the 0 character at the end of dest, and then adds a terminating 0 character. The strings may not overlap. Destination string has a maximum size of l characters. On overflow, the trailing 0 is omitted.

a Destination string
b String to append.
l Destination maximum size (including trailing 0)
Destination string
Return values:

char* SC68strdup const char *  s  ) 

Duplicate a string.

The SC68strdup() function returns a pointer to a new string which is a duplicate of the string s. Memory for the new string is obtained with SC68alloc(), and can be freed with SC68free().

s String to duplicate.
Duplicated string

0 error

char* SC68strcatdup const char *  a,
const char *  b

Concat two strings in a duplicate buffer.

The SC68strcatdup() function returns a pointer to a new string which is a duplicate of the string a+b. Memory for the new string is obtained with SC68alloc(), and can be freed with SC68free(). If either a or b is null the function does not failed but replace it by an empty string. If both a and b are null the function returns 0.

a Left string.
b right string.
Duplicated string a+b

0 error

char* SC68time_str char *  buffer,
int  track_num,
int  seconds

Make a track and time information string.

The SC68time_str() function formats a string with track time info. The general format is "TK MN:SS" where:

  • TK is track_num or "--" if track_num < 0 or track_num > 99
  • MN:SS is time minutes and seconds or "--:--" if seconds < 0

buffer Destination buffer (0 use default static buffer).
track_num Track number from 00 to 99, minus values disable.
seconds Time to display in seconds [00..5999], other values disable.
Pointer to result formatted string in a static buffer.
The function returns a static buffer. Do try to modify it.

Not thread safe.

See also:

char* SC68long_time_str char *  buffer,
int  time

Convert time (in second) to string.

The SC68long_time_str() function converts a time in seconds to days, hours, minutes and second string. Day and hour unit are removed if they are null (not signifiant). The output string looks like : [D days, ][H h, ] MN' SS"

buffer Destination buffer (0 use default static buffer).
time Time in second to convert to string.
pointer to result time string (given buffer or static buffer).
Not thread safe when using static buffer.
See also: